3 reaktioner på ”Facebook/länkar”

  1. Hello,
    I’m Marcelo, 30 years old, Brazilian, and I’ll move to Linkoping with my family next August.
    I practiced judo regularly since 5 years till 18 years.
    So, I’d like to return back to practice, and I’d like to receive more information about the price, schedule, etc, and what I need to do for start (like documents and medical clearance), because I’m really interested in practice there.
    I don’t have judo-gui anymore, because of mine is very old and small now, and if is it possible, I’d like to know if the academy can suggest one place to buy (and tell the regular price).

    Yours faithfully,
    Marcelo Bezerra

    1. Hello Marcelo,
      You are very welcome to our judo club.

      Here are some facts:
      1. Price: 900 Swedish kronor for a half year
      2. Schedule: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday at 7-8 PM
      3. Location: Nya Tanneforsvägen 13 (basement)
      4. No documents or medical clearance required
      5. Judo-gi: You can buy a standard judo-gi in our club shop for 600 swedish kronor
      6. To start: Just come down to our dojo about 30 minutes before practice start and talk to the trainer.


  2. Jag har sjukersättning fram till 64 år. Är jag berättigad till pensionärsavgift ?jag undra

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